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About Us

QPS Unani Pharmaceuticals is an integrated herbal company offering a wide variety of herbal products and services. It is registered with the Department of AYUSH bearing Drug License No 649U For now, we are offering the products and services within Hyderabad city limits only. Our firm belief in the potency of traditional herbal medicine lead to the creation of this company. Each Product is an amalgamation of non-spurious and non-adultej rated herbs. In this fast paced world, quality is hampered in many fields, not only medical. All of us are under an impression that Unani, Ayurveda or any other traditional form of medicinal practice does not have side effects. Is it true? No, the shocking truth is that this form of medicine may also cause side effects if the ingredients being used are not in their pure form. Few practitioners in search of quick money make medicines using ingredients that are not in their purest form, or mix ingredients which are cheaply available, thus causing side effects. In order to save ourselves from the wrath of Allopathic side effects we may as well fall into impure traditional medicine trap. Choice is YOURS! The name QPS stands for - Quality, Potency and Salubrity. Team QPS do not believe in bogus commitments and catchy phrases like “100% result or money back” etc. to woo ignorant customers just like few other firms do. We do not intend to be magical healers with golden touch, simply we say "Try once & see the difference".